The Secrets to a blissful Airbnb Coastal living space

Are you considering setting up an Airbnb and would like to learn some secrets for setting up the living space?

Like to learn more on how to inject some coastal style into the space?

In this post I will I want to take you through the steps I considered to turn a slightly tired looking unit into the fresh Airbnb coastal living space I knew it could be.


Before we jump in, let me refresh you on the back story…

The backstory to the Airbnb worthy makeover.

I remember standing in this tired looking unit trying to imagine all that it could be. I felt slightly out of place measuring up the dimensions of each room while it was still filled with a stranger’s belongings. It was obviously somebody’s home and they had set it up to work perfectly for them, but I needed to turn this little unit into something that would appeal to the holiday rental market – and I didn’t have a lot of time on my hands to make it happen.

The unit had been the home of my sister in law until she had decided to rent it out. And to recap on my previous blog post, she had approached me with the idea of turning it into a seaside Airbnb. She asked if I could help her bring the future holiday rental to life and of course I said yes!

But like anybody, standing in the unit that day I faced feelings of overwhelm thinking how was I going to deliver on the vision I knew my sister in law had for her future Airbnb. I can relate to the challenge that it is to look past what is already in a living space and see it with fresh eyes!


My tips to achieve a coastal Airbnb living space.

Here’s the steps that helped move me from confusion to clarity as I tackled the transformation of the living area. I hope these steps are helpful if you’re trying your hand at your own coastal Airbnb makeover, or if you’d just like to know more about how I pulled it off…

The best layouts for Airbnb living spaces.

There is lots to consider when it comes to layout. I could probably spend a whole blog post just focusing on what makes a great Airbnb layout (one for another day perhaps). The main thing I’d like you to focus on is your future guests, not what would work for your own personal living room.

There needs to be enough seating options for the number of guests your Airbnb can sleep. Consider moveable seating, items like occasional chairs work at a treat because they bring some interest into the room and they are flexible. Your guests will feel at home in a space that encourages conversation, and that doesn’t happen when everyone is sitting on one long sofa.

Make the room feel spacious. Practically if you’re working with a small area (like I was) it’s good to think about how people will move around the room as you want it to have an instinctive flow. This means leaving plenty of space to move around your seating and coffee table, and ensure that you can easily access doors and walkways.

Specifically, for a small Airbnb living space:

1.  Have artwork, not the TV be the focal point as you enter the room.

2.  Maintain a connection between the living and dining spaces (for an open plan layout)

3. Keep the styling and colours cohesive throughout the whole room.

4. Block colours work well for small areas (e.g. furniture that is all one colour rather than mixed).

Coastal style touches.

Typically, a coastal/Scandinavian look is light and airy, fresh and textured. Think about how your layout can highlight those styling choices best as your guest first enter your property.

1. Position furniture so guests can see all your cushions/throws on entry. It’s these items that pick up your coastal colours and textures.

2.  Have lightly toned furniture as a feature (I chose a white coffee table and wanted this fresh element to stand out).

3.  Always feature texture in your layout. Use small elements such as rattan and jute as a highlight to draw the eye (I used a rattan occasional chair and textured wall décor in this way).

Here you can see the artwork as the focal point as you enter the property.

Here you can see the artwork as the focal point as you enter the property.

Here is the T.V. positioned on the entrance wall as you enter the property. It’s tucked out of first sight but situated for comfortable viewing in the evenings.

Here is the T.V. positioned on the entrance wall as you enter the property. It’s tucked out of first sight but situated for comfortable viewing in the evenings.

The best Lighting for Airbnb living spaces.

One overhead ceiling light doesn’t evoke a feeling of mood or relaxation. In the same way that you use lamps and dimmers at home your guests want to feel that ‘home away from home’ feeling too, not the ‘I’ve just stepped into a government building’ sort of sterility. Use warm LED globes and have multiple options of lighting for that cosy feel. Think about including a combination of floor lamps, table lamps and overhead lighting to give your guests options to suit a variety of tasks.

Coastal style touches.

When choosing a lighting fixture that is in keeping with a coastal style think about the material type.

1. Table lamp bases made out of rattan, lime-washed ceramics or glass would all fit nicely within a coastal aesthetic.

2. Aim to choose light fixtures that are cohesive to the overall coastal inspired colours you are using within your living space. Remember that the lighting should complement your furniture choices.

The floorlamp ties in beautifully to the overall coastal look and gives addition mood lighting.

The floorlamp ties in beautifully to the overall coastal look and gives addition mood lighting.

The Best Art choices for Airbnb living spaces.

Even on a tight budget you need add to bring personality into the space. Art is a must and this is an area where I would allocate ample budget and not skimp! Choose artwork that ties in with your scheme, and for me using art from an Australian photographer show casing local beaches was a must.

For your living space to feel cohesive the art needs to make sense in the room. You can do this by thinking about your location or any history that makes your holiday rental special and unique and choose artwork that reflects that individuality.  

Coastal style touches.

For a more sophisticated take on coastal style, branch away from the typical shells, beach hat, footprints in the sand type of artwork.

1. Artworks that references the texture of rope or driftwood reminds us of the beach without it being too obviously beachy.

2. Abstract pieces with curves that connect to the shape of waves could also work nicely.

3. Consider the colours of the coast; greens, blues, browns and whites all speak of a coastal vibe.

Styling the living space makes it feel like a home and this is something that will make guests come back for more!

Styling the living space makes it feel like a home and this is something that will make guests come back for more!

The Best Styling tips for Airbnb living spaces.

If it feels empty, it feels unlived in and cold. Your aim is for guests to walk into a warm and inviting space and this is where the design is in the details. Think about all of those small touches like books, vases, flowers, baskets – these are the things you can’t skip on if you want your guests to feel at home.

For your styling to really elevate your living space up a notch, remember to keep your book choices within your chosen theme (for coastal, think beautiful books on beaches, coastal living, coastal inspired recipes for example). Even consider the colours of the book covers and remember that they will stand out like a sore thumb if they aren’t consistent with all your other carefully chosen accessories.

Coastal style touches.

If you love the coastal, Scandinavian style choose styling items that are within this style’s colour palette. Colours like pale blues, greens, creams and whites always feel coastal and fresh. You can also contrast these soft colours with some depth found in rust, terracotta, beige and greys. Remember these colours can be picked up in your choice of sofa, rugs and other furniture too.

I added some jute wall decor above the T.V to bring some softness and warmth through texture!

I added some jute wall decor above the T.V to bring some softness and warmth through texture!

The Best Comfort tips for Airbnb living spaces.

Two cushions on the sofa isn’t enough. More is more when it comes to comfort, and your guests will feel well taken care of when they have ample cushions and throws to cuddle. It also helps to think of throws in different weights and cushions with different textures. Different textures in a living space really elevates that feeling of comfort, if everything is flat in terms of texture there is nothing to sink your toes into, or wrap yourself up in and it just doesn’t feel as homely does it?!  

1.  Aim for at least five cushions for a sofa with one-two throws.

2.  Two cushions for an occasional chair.

The next must have is a rug for your living space. Not only does it help to create a zone for relaxing and conversation, it also makes your guests feel more comfortable. Whilst it does make sense to think about a rug that is durable and practical please don’t skip on it all together. Another big plus for rugs are that they reduce echo and absorb sound. These qualities are key for guests to feel comfortable and secure.

1.  Your rug needs to be large enough for the front feet of your furniture to sit on (sofas and occasional chairs).

2. The rug needs to be wider than your chosen sofa so it doesn’t shrink the room.

Coastal style touches.

Mix up your patterns and textures with your cushions and throws. This adds to the comfort level in terms of interest and depth.

1.  Move away from the overdone blue and yellow coastal colour theme (unless you absolutely love this combo, then go to town). Rather think about highlighting different textures that you might find in a coastal environment such as rope patterns or baubles.

2. Choose a rug that highlights coastal elements such as jute or sisal.

The colours of greys, greens, blues, creams and whites add comfort when paired with some browns and rusts for depth and contrast. The cushions have texture to bring added comfort and warmth.

The colours of greys, greens, blues, creams and whites add comfort when paired with some browns and rusts for depth and contrast. The cushions have texture to bring added comfort and warmth.

It’s a wrap….

There you have it, all the goodness on how you can transformation your living space into one that ticks all the boxes for a perfect holiday rental getaway. Follow these tips for a smooth and considered Airbnb coastal living space makeover.

Did you know that I love helping people with their Airbnb projects? I will be sharing more in future blog posts on how to ‘Airbnb ready’ other rooms in the home to help you feel confident in this quite specific market, so follow along to learn more.

In the meantime if you’d like to see the before photos for this delightful project and my design for the space, you can check that out in the latest blog post below.

Or if the overwhelm is real and you’d like specific help for your holiday rental project, then reach out to me at or find me on Instagram or Facebook. We can brainstorm and problem solve together!