Stunning kitchen design trends for 2023 you must know (Part 1)

Confused about what’s new in kitchens?

Want some easy ways to incorporate design trends into your kitchen?

We might be mid-way through 2023, but it’s never the wrong time to talk about kitchen design trends. Today I’m going to jump in and outline some of the kitchen interior design trends of 2023 that you can implement easily into your home.

Artwork in kitchens is becoming very popular as a way to bring personality into the space. Design by Jacquelyn Clark.

As a designer one of perks of the job is the constant inspiration we receive of new ideas and materials that can be used in kitchens. Taking all the new ideas on board, I’ve narrowed down the endless design choices to give you my ‘Part 1 Kitchen design trends for 2023’.

Here’s the first 3 design trends for you to try out in your space…

  1. Vintage artwork or photography.

Gone are the days of artwork being relegated to only the dining or living spaces of your home. A strong interior design trend for 2023 is to bring in some vintage artwork into your kitchen.

If you have a floating shelf or some spare wall space in your kitchen, then you have room for some vintage artwork or personal photography. Choose pieces that are meaningful to you, and you are helping to create a kitchen that tells the unique story of you and your family.

Artwork leant up against the benchtop brings a relaxed and curated vibe in this kitchen belonging to Natalie Walton.

You can use floating shelves like in this kitchen by Dane Tashima to display art mixed with crockery and cook books.

Kitchen interior design tips

  • Head to your local op shop to source vintage artworks that aligns with your style, this could be landscapes, boats and water themes, still life or portraits.

  • Print off affordable vintage-look art from Etsy sites.

  • Search local markets or online for vintage frames for photography or modern art you already have in your home.

  • Choose 2-3 pieces of art in different sizes to hang vertically next to the rangehood, or lean against a floating shelf.

2. Green cabinetry.

We are embracing colour into our kitchens in 2023 and this looks to be a continuing interior design trend. Whilst there will always be a place for the classic white kitchen, if you love colour then now is the time to add it to your kitchen.

A strong theme we are seeing currently in kitchen cabinets are natured inspired green hues. These sorts of greens are calming, sophisticated and more timeless than the very saturated lime or even mint tones. So, if you’re looking to bring colour into your kitchen then green is certainly a colour that we will all love in 2023 and beyond.

The mix of deep earthy green cabinets with bronze hardware is so sophisticated, but also interesting and bold. Interior design by Hanlesmann & Khan. Photography by Felix Forest.

Another green kitchen, but this time with a more vintage feel with an old timber table and wicker pendant. This kitchen belongs to Cushla Whiting.

A perfect example of a green kitchen in a bush setting, using green concrete, paint and tile whilst leaving the other elements neutral. A lovely Australian kitchen by Nerida Thorburn Design.

Kitchen interior design tips

  • Choose a green hue with a brown or pink undertone for a warm overall palette.

  • Use nature to help inspire your colour choice by looking for leaves to colour match to.

  • If you’re not planning to update your cabinetry, bring some green into your through artwork, vases or vessels to store kitchen utensils.

  • If all else fails, bring in some fresh foliage from your garden to bring an instant lift to your space.

3. Unique lighting.

Lighting is always the finishing touch of every space, and now more than ever we are seeing different types of lighting being used in kitchens in 2023. This design element is a wonderful opportunity to show your personality and style aesthetic and assuming all the functional lighting requirements are met in your kitchen, you can let your imagination run wild when it comes to lighting in your space.

 Some trends that we are seeing is table lamps on kitchen benches and directional wall sconces either above the sink or your main benchtop. These types of lights are perfect for added ambience at different times of the day and a subtle way to create a kitchen that is an extension of your living spaces.

A stunning example of using direction lighting over the sink in the Collector House designed by Arent & Pyke.

A pair of wall lights being used over the benchtop in the kitchen of style icon Eye Swoon.

An asymmetrical wall light used to create an interesting ‘moment’ in this kitchen in Queen’s house. Interior design by Arent & Pyke.

Kitchen interior design tips

  • Hang a single pendant light with a hook from the ceiling if you can’t hardwire in lighting.

  • Consider placing a wall sconce asymmetrically behind or next to your splashback, group it together with a piece of art or sculptural piece to create a ‘moment’ in your kitchen.

  • If designing a kitchen from scratch consider choosing directional wall sconces above your sink for function and style.

  • Experiment with placing a table lamp on your kitchen bench to add some lovely atmospheric light in the evenings or cloudy days. They are a lovely way to highlight a corner of your kitchen in a cosy way.

That’s a wrap on the kitchen design trends part 1. Whether you are planning a new kitchen from scratch or wanting to add some finishing touches to your current kitchen, I hope these tips to give you the confidence to implement some stunning 2023 design trends for yourself.

 Need some extra help bringing your kitchen to life, or want to pick the brains of an interior designer over your design dilemmas?

If you think a design consultation could be the logical next step for you, reach out to me here for a free phone call where we can chat more - I’d love to help you get some clarity around your project!

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