Which Christmas style is yours? Check out these mood boards to find out.

Confused about your Christmas style (or lack of)?

Looking to freshen things up this year?

Yes things are getting hectic already.

Between Christmas shopping, end of year break ups and planning who will host this year I am already feeling the silly season squeeze.

Before you let all the details run away with you, let’s set aside some time to think about the feel and mood you aspire to this Christmas.

Though we don’t often think about (usually because it’s quite sub conscious), the way we feel in a space can make or break how we remember moments in the past.

Think of some of your most precious memories… isn't it often the way you felt in that moment that makes a lasting impression on you?

Identifying what Christmas style resonates with you, and having this clear in your mind will take away the stress of indecision and confusion for you. You will have clarity to create the perfect backdrop for your festivities in a style that is authentic to you.

In this blog post I will explain 3 Christmas styles with lots of imagery to help you pinpoint if you'd like to replicate one of these styles for your Christmas decorating this year.

Christmas interior design style natural and cosy mood board

Use the elements on this mood board to help you recognise if this Christmas style resonates with you. What images do you like? Are you drawn to the colour palette and objects from nature? If this is a big yes from you, take some of these elements and adapt them to suit you and your family this Christmas.

  1. Natural & Cosy Christmas Style.

If this is you, you will gravitate towards natural woods and earthy tones in your decorating. You will love lots of textural pieces and be drawn to terracotta tones, linens and objects from nature.


  • Wrap your gifts in brown paper, linen or a piece of fabric that can be reused by your guest.

  • Forage outside for sticks, flowers you can dry, interesting leaves and fresh greenery to bring inside over Christmas.

  • Hand make some decorations to bring more meaning and cosy feelings to your space.

Colourful Christmas interior design style with blue and green mood board

Use the elements on this mood board to help you recognise if this Christmas style resonates with you. What images do you like? Are you drawn to the use of colour and the way they’ve been repeated throughout the home? If you long for a fresh vibrant look for Christmas, decide on your 2 feature colours and take some of the elements on this mood board and make them your own this Christmas.

2. Colourful Christmas Style.

Love this vibrant look? This is more your style if you’re not afraid to use colour in your interior decorating and love to do this a little differently to the norm. If your Christmas design style is colourful you will smile and feel alive surrounded by colour and you’ll look to repeat your favourite hues throughout your decor.


  • For an elevated design style, choose 2 main colours and repeat them in different shades throughout your home.

  • To combat the effects of the ‘silly season’ choose calming colours like blues & greens to help your home feel peaceful as well as vibrant!

  • Start with a colourful Christmas wreath on your front door and go throughout your living spaces sprinkling these 2 same colours in a systematic way.

Use the elements on this mood board to help you recognise if this Christmas style resonates with you. What images do you like? Do you see yourself in this more traditional Christmas styling? This is you if you love the familiar red, green with gold highlights and you feel this best represents the Christmas mood you love. Take some of these ideas and add your specific family touches to it to make it come alive!

2. Classic Christmas Style.

Does this more quintessential Christmas style speak to you? Does your heart warm to the traditional colours of red, green and gold? This is more your style if this mood board is filled with images that say Christmas to you. If your Christmas design style is classic you generally value tradition and take comfort from decorating your home in a way that would resonate with many.


  • Use the traditional red, green and gold highlights of Christmas in a way makes sense in our warmer Australian climate. Add plenty of white and lighter tones to balance out the richer ones and you will find your sweet spot.

  • You can add gold highlights by spray painting vases or vessels and adding dark green foliage to them to bring balance.

  • This style works beautifully with darker timbers. Sprinkling small amounts of darker tones throughout your home will help maintain a feeling of freshness on a potentially warm day!

Which of these 3 styles is most you?

Let me know in the comments which one is more your Christmas style.

Want to see some more Christmas style mood boards? Perhaps a Minimalist, Modern & chic or Maximalist glamour board?

Lastly, if you need more individualised help with your home - it could be advice on your Christmas decorating, or a renovation project for 2024 then feel free to reach out to me here. We can jump on a phone call and I can learn more about what you need - I’d love to help. Did you know I offer Virtual design consults via Zoom which could be a great way to get some quick wins in your home.

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